Water and Energy Efficiency Committee

What We Do

The OWWA Water and Energy Efficiency Committee is dedicated to advancing smart water use through networking, education and advocacy.

To achieve this goal, we work to influence government policies and promote water-efficient technologies and practices.

WE²C meets 4-6 times throughout the year and hosts a seminar, workshop or webinar each year.


The Committee (WE²C) has produced three publications to assist Ontario municipalities in the preparation of water efficiency plans, reducing peak seasonal water demands and developing water efficiency programs.  These documents are available for free download:


OWWA Water and Energy Efficiency Award

We want to hear about your recent water and energy efficiency projects and share the amazing work you are doing with the water community!

All submissions that meet the award criteria will be promoted on our website and social media channels. You will also have an opportunity to share about your project in a webinar event dedicated to recognizing the submissions we receive. Stand-out submission(s) (see below evaluation criteria) will receive our 2025 Water and Energy Efficiency award! Winner(s) will receive a plaque, special recognition, and bragging rights!

We are accepting submissions from all groups/organizations located in Ontario that have undertaken an innovative water efficiency project in the last 3 years. Submissions on behalf of another organiation will also be accepted. Proposals which are intended to solicit business or sell services will not be considered. 

Submissions are now being accepted until April 30th, 2025! Click here to submit.

Here are just some of the projects we recognize:

  • Water efficiency strategies
  • Integrated Water Management or One Water projects
  • Leak reduction
  • Research 
  • Water use bylaws
  • Rebate and incentive programs
  • Technology and retrofit programs
  • Process/operational optimization 
  • Water reuse and rainwater harvesting projects
  • Community and outreach engagement 
  • Employee education
  • Tap water promotion efforts 
  • behaviour change initiatives 
  • Public and youth education programs 
  • Rate structure projects 

Submission Criteria

Judges will determine the most appropriate award category for each application.
Submissions are evaluated using the following criteria: 

  1.  Innovation/creativity 

  1.  Clearly defined goals and objectives 

  1.  Quantified savings and/or qualitative results, community impacts 

  1.  Project design, implementation, and evaluation process. 

  1. Transferability to other Ontario communities or organizations 

How to apply:

We require a maximum 2-page pdf project summary that can take any format (e.g., written formal report, poster, infographic) as long as the submission answers the following questions:  

  1.  How does your project relate to water and energy efficiency?  

  1. What were the goal(s), objective(s) and outcome(s) of this project?  

  1.  Name an obstacle that you faced during the project. How did you overcome it? 

  1.  What were the key takeaways from this project? 

Award Presentation:

A plaque and award certificate will be presented by the OWWA to the winner(s) in person. This may take place at an in-person event if possible (e.g., conference) or at the winner’s respective offices. Details about 2025 award presentations are to be confirmed. 

All submissions will have the option to be featured: 

  1. As project profiles through the OWWA Water and Energy Efficiency Committee’s LinkedIn account. 

  1.  Pipeline magazine (quarterly OWWA publication distributed to water and wastewater professionals across Ontario). 

  1. Submission posting on the OWWA Water and Energy Efficiency Committee’s website. 

  1. In a virtual webinar event to showcase the various submissions to the water community. 

Click here to submit!

If you have any questions, please contact waterinfo@owwa.ca  


2024 Winners:

City of Hamilton

 City of Hamilton’s Private Leak Reduction Program 

Credit Valley Conservation Authority

Design and Construction of a Smart Blue Roof

2023 Winners:

  • Town of Lincoln

2022 Winners:

  • The City of Hamilton 
  • The City of Guelph 


For complete Awards list please click here.

Follow Us on Twitter & Linked In


Member Company
Fariha Ahmed Region of Peel
Yvonne Zhang TYLin
Ray Cheung Neptune Technology Group
Tara Clayton Ulteig
Ian Duncan Centre Wellington
Steve Gombos  
Nicole Haynes Region of Waterloo
Lloyd Hipel Enviro-Stewards
Audrey Kester City of London
Chris LeConte Smart Watering Systems
Vladimir Marenich  
Mackenzie Schultz Oxford County
Laureena Ssali York Region
Andréa Dubé 
City of Guelph
Adrian Sabau  OCWA
Jesus Garcia-Aleman Jacobs