What We Do

The OWWA Distribution Committee assembles and disseminates information on the design, engineering, construction, operation, management, monitoring, water quality and maintenance of water distribution systems within the province of Ontario. 

To provide Ontario utilities with best practices for managing frozen services during cold winter periods, the Distribution Committee published the Frozen Water Services Information Document (2017) which includes a detailed discussion of best practices and other information related to the management of frozen water services, based on surveys and interviews conducted with municipalities across Ontario.

Click here to download the report. For more information about this study, please contact waterinfo@owwa.ca.

Our Committee

  • Is a forum where water professionals from mulitiple disciplines and fields can share and discuss challenges of water distribution. 
  • Acts as a branch of the OWWA to further the overall goals of the association. 
  • Reviews applicable provincial and federal regulations and makes formal comments in liaison with other OWWA committees. 
  • Disseminates information to operators, engineers, management, consultants, and academics through workshops and sessions at the OWWA Annual Conference and Fall Distribution Workshop.
  • Prepares a minimum of three (3) distribution articles per year for publication in Pipeline

Who We Are

The Distribution Committee, a part of the OWWA section, maintains an active membership of representatives from large and small water utilities, as well as members from operating authorities, consulting firms, equipment suppliers, service providers, regulatory agencies, and academic institutions. The committee is accountable to the membership and OWWA Leadership. 

The size of our committee varies but caps out at a maximum of 17 voting members and 3 non-voting liaison members. Subcommittees are formed on an as-needed basis. New members are welcomed as vacancies permit. 

Our Meetings

The Distribution Committee meets online via Teams a minimum of fives times per year, typically every other month, based on availability and initiatives. 

Upcoming Events

Each fall the Distribution Committee organizes a one-day workshop that is of special interest to operators, supervisors, managers, consultants, and decision makers involved in the operational challenges stemming from new legislation and the introduction of new technologies. As well, at the Annual OWWA Conference and Trade Show, the Distribution Committee sponsors distribution focused sessions where attendees can learn about challenges, solutions and emerging issues related to distribution system water quality, asset management and technologies as well as network with industry partners, consultants, regulators, and utilities. 


Member Company
Shairose Alarakhia Ontario Clean Water Agency
Rex Burley IQ Environmental
Matthew Coleman AECOM
Andrew Hallett PUC Services Inc.
Danny Locco City of Hamilton
Laura Meteer Queens University
Blair Saunders Town of East Gwillimbury
Sonya Semanuik Ontario Clean Water Agency
Sarah Vella Peel Region
Monique Waller Jacobs
Emma Bliss  CIMA+
Cody Maw District Municipality of Muskoka
Jeremy Hunt  York Region
Ron Rooke  City of Cambridge
Aaron Rozental City of London 
Josh Daniels  City of Thunder Bay
Masoumeh Sharafi  Ainley Group