Asset Management

Committee Mandate

This committee is open to members from all areas of the water industry. We are a joint committee of the Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) and the Water Environment Association of Ontario (WEAO) with the purpose of developing and hosting asset management workshops and creating articles for Influents and Ontario Pipeline, and contributing to the WEAO and OWWA conferences.

We are dedicated to the promotion, education and information exchange of the best asset management and sustainability practices in the industry.

Responsibilities & Activities:

WEAO/OWWA  Asset Management Committee is working with its members and partners to develop a variety of management initiatives, resources, and opportunities for education, training, and networking to address asset management challenges.  Members responsibilities and activities include:

  • Attend meetings and provide input on direction and management of committee affairs
  • Support of asset management committee events such as workshops and webinars through direct involvement in planning, developing, organizing and coordinating events
  • Contribute and solicit asset management articles and presentations for both the WEAO and OWWA annual conferences, as well as the Influents quarterly publication
  • Share information between stakeholders and membership that assist organizations to develop and progress with their individual Asset Management strategies and activities
  • Represent and promote WEAO/OWWA and the AM Committee at association events

Our Meetings

The Asset Management Committee conducts monthly meetings rotating the location amongst member offices. Conference calling is available when required.

For More Information

As this is a Joint OWWA/WEAO Committee we encourage you to also check the WEAO website to keep fully abreast of plans and activities.

To view the OWWA/WEAO Asset Management Document Library, please click here.

Member Company
Akeel Ali SLBC Inc.
Akli Ben-Anteur City of Greater Sudbury
Mikhail Choulov Halton Region
Nancy Fleming City of Auroa
Mike Garaci Xylem Inc.
Matthew Grekula R.V. Anderson
Gillian Harris Diameter Services 
James Jorgensen GM Blueplan
Mateusz Lewandowski T.Y. Lin International
Ramona Mirtorabi  
Kevin Morawski WSP
Alexandre Nunes Region of Peel
Dillon Occleston Greatario
Yuraima Rendono Torres Region of Peel
Natalie Ribic Halton Region
Mike Schmied North America Construction (1993) Ltd.
Mackenzie Schultz Oxford County
Jeff Vanandel 
City of Toronto