The AWWA was formed in 1881 at a meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, attended by water utility representatives from the states of Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky and Tennessee.

They established the Association for “the exchange of information pertaining to the management of water-works, for the mutual advancement of consumers and water companies, and for the purpose of securing economy and uniformity in the operation of water-works.” 

Today, AWWA has more than 55,000 members in more than 130 countries.

On January 1, 1971, the Canadian Section reorganized and three new AWWA Sections came into existence—Atlantic Canada, Ontario, and Western Canada. Waterworks professionals in Quebec had received Section status in 1967. On January 1, 1973, the British Columbia Section was inaugurated, creating five Canadian Sections.

Since 1971, the Ontario Section has held its annual conference in the spring (typically early May). The Section restructured in 1995 and officially changed the name to Ontario Water Works Association – A Section of AWWA. One of its first activities was to create a strategic plan, which was updated in 1998 and is reviewed and updated every five years.

President 2024-2025: Scott Tam

Year Past Chair / President
2023-2024 Ed Bertolo
2022-2023 Deborah Goudreau
2021-2022 Jaime Boutilier
2020-2021 Nick Reid
2019-2020 Reg Russwurm
2018-2019 Dan Huggins
2017-2018 Marcus Firman
2016-2017 Bill Garibaldi
2015-2016 Gary Houghton
2014-2015 Abhay Tadwalkar
2013-2014 Emma Murphy
2012-2013 Ray Miller
2018-2021 Lee Anne Jones
2010-2011 Saad Jasim
2009-2010 John Braam
2008-2009 Tom Moulton
2007-2008 Bob LeCraw
2006-2007 Wayne Stiver
2005-2006 Joe Salter
2004-2005 Brian Jobb
2003-2004 Susan Andrews
2002-2003 Tim Lotimer
2001-2002 Roland Welker
2000-2001 Steve Burns
1999-2000 Rick Evans
1998-1999 Judy MacDonald
1997-1998 Patricia Lachmaniuk
1996-1997 Tom Eyre
1995-1996 Boyce Hutcheon
1994-1995 Kent Edwards
1993-1994 Hershel Guttman
1992-1993 Rod Holme
1991-1992 Ken Roberts
1990-1991 Edward Nevala
1989-1990 John Anderson
1988-1989 George Mierzynski
1987-1988 Michael Provart
1986-1987 Roger Tomlinson
1985-1986 Lou Vogele
1984-1985 Jim Craig
1983-1984 Robert Wilson
1982-1983 Burn Hodgins
1981-1982 John Pawley
1980-1981 Allan Ladbrooke
1979-1980 Paul Foley
1978-1979 William Warwick
1977-1978 Paul Emery
1976-1977 Bob Goodings
1975-1976 Herbert Akehurst
1974-1975 Steve Bonk
1973-1974 Ron Noonan
1972-1973 John Gurnham
1971-1972 Alex Redekopp
1971 Dave Durward


AWWA Director 2024-2027: Deborah Goudreau

Year Past AWWA Director
2021-2024 Marcus Firman
2018-2021 Lee Anne Jones
2015-2018 Ray Miller
2012-2015 Tom Moulton
2009-2012 Wayne Stiver
2006-2009 Tim Lotimer
2003-2006 Steve Burns
2001-2003 Patricia Lachmaniuk
2000-2001 Judy MacDonald
1997-2000 Hershel Guttman
1994-1997 Rod Holme
1991-1994 John Anderson 
1988-1991 Michael Provart
1985-1988 Jim Craig
1982-1985 John Pawley
1979-1982 Paul Emery
1976-1979 Steve Bonk
1973-1976 Arthur Kennedy
1970-1973 Howard Powell