What We Do

  • We promote communication among academics working in the drinking water industry
  • Provide a close link between the academic community and OWWA
  • Support technical, educational and research activities within OWWA

As a resource to the OWWA, the University Forum will provide speakers, expertise, and advice for program committees. We also provide a database of university contacts (resources) for other committees.

Each year at the OWWA Annual Conference, a University Forum is held and academics are encouraged to attend the conference.

Information is provided to utilities and OWWA members and the Committee takes training and research needs back to the universities. Finally, but certainly not least important, the Committee encourages student participation in YP activities and membership in OWWA.

Our Activities

In addition to planning and organizing the University Forum at the OWWA Annual Conference, our activities include communicating with and monitoring the following groups:

  • AWWA Technical & Educational Council
  • AWWA Research Division
  • AWWA Research Foundation
  • AWWA Universities Forum (Annual Conference)
  • OWWA Young Professionals

Any other group, agency, or association that is relevant.

Who We Are

The University Forum Committee strives to include representatives from universities and colleges across Ontario as well as water industry professionals, providing a link between researchers and the water industry.

Member List

Member Employer
Ron Hofmann University of Toronto
Susan Andrews University of Toronto

Our Meetings

The University Forum Committee meets three times each year.

For More Information

If you would like to get more information or are interested in joining our committee, please contact us.


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