What We Do

The primary responsibility of our committee is the planning and publishing of the quarterly magazine—Ontario Pipeline.

There are four issues of Pipeline each year—Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The magazine is one of the many benefits of membership in OWWA!

Edition Theme Deadline
Spring Pre-Conference + AI in Water Industry January 21, 2025
Summer Post-Conference  May 12, 2025
Fall Climate Change/Infrastructure Resilience August 1, 2025
Winter Asset Management October 23, 2025


Who We Are

Our committee is made up of water industry professionals who are interested in telling the many-faceted story of drinking water, and keeping the membership abreast of news, issues and trends in the drinking water industry.


Our Meetings

The Committee meets once or twice, usually by teleconference, prior to each issue of the Pipeline to develop content. Editorial review is done through electronic distribution of the draft publications.

We try to meet once a year in person to exchange ideas. 

Upcoming Events

Our upcoming events are directly linked to each edition of the Pipeline – Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.