What We Do

  • Identify and respond to issues of interest to OWWA members related to groundwater
  • Conduct seminars to present groundwater information to OWWA members
  • Educate the membership on groundwater issues such as well design and maintenance, water quality, data management, groundwater supply and protection
  • Comment on government regulatory initiatives and guidelines as they relate to groundwater
  • Participate in MECP consultation groups that relate to groundwater


We work closely with the OWWA Source Water Protection Committee, which leads with respect to tracking and reviewing initiatives related to Source Water Protection for groundwater systems.

Our Activities

The Groundwater Committee communicates with and monitors the activities of several other groups, such as:

  • AWWA Groundwater Committee
  • Children’s Water Festivals
  • AWWA Standards Council
  • MECP and MNRF activities
  • International Association of Hydrogeologists
  • Ontario Ground Water Association
  • Professional Geoscientists Ontario

Who We Are

In addition to the Chair and Vice Chair, the committee membership ideally includes a complement of at least six additional members and have representation from utilities (large and small), consultants, universities/colleges, and regulatory agencies. Subcommittees are formed as needed in response to issues that arise.

Our Meetings

We meet three times per year, usually online.

Member Company
Karl Belan Region of Waterloo
Simon Gautrey WSP
John Harris IWS
Tanya Kampherm Martin York Region
Seoyeong Lee Black & Veatch
Jennifer Lanthier Peel Region
Lloyd Lemon  
Leslea McKie Region of Waterloo
Boyd Pendleton Lotowater
Kim Sayers R.V. Anderson
Anita Schoenleber Hamilton Township
Emily Stahl City of Guelph