Our goal is to promote the value of membership in AWWA/OWWA, leading to continued Section growth.
What We Do
- Recruit new members for all membership classes
- Work to retain current members
- Work with AWWA on membership development programs
Our Activities
We are a project-oriented Committee doing these and other activities:
- Membership booth/display at the OWWA annual conference and regional conferences
- Continued programs of membership awareness
- Promotional draws
- Developing new member target lists
- Share resources with other committees
- Participate in AWWA’s membership drives
- Develop cost effective ways to serve OWWA members
- Ensure membership programs tie into the Strategic Plan
Our Meetings
We meet three or four times per year, usually in-person meetings at the OWWA boardroom and by conference call, if necessary.
The Membership committee strives to have all membership classes represented on the committee.
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