
Important Update for Drinking Water System Owners / Operators - Cybersecurity

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To All Municipal Drinking Water System Owners / Operators,

In the past year, there has been a growing threat of cybersecurity threats targeting municipal infrastructure, including drinking water systems. These threats can result in loss of data and compromise the ability of municipal utilities to provide clean and safe drinking water. Incidents in the U.S. and Canada have showed that systems can be vulnerable and measures must be taken to ensure that they are adequately protected.

The letter below describes changes that the Ministry has made to ensure that cybersecurity threats are effectively evaluated and mitigated for all municipal residential drinking water systems in Ontario. Information about these changes, as well as an updated list of hazards and hazardous events that are required to be considered as part of this DWQMS can be accessed on the Environmental Registry under ERO number 019-4855 or directly at the following link:


If you have any questions about the DWQMS or the need to consider cybersecurity threats in the DWQMS risk assessment, please contact Christopher Manning at


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