2025 Spring SCOWWA Exhibitor Registration

2025 Spring SCOWWA Exhibitor Registration

$ 300.00 - 2025 SCOWWA Exhibitor Fee

(Includes table top display and one representative)

$ 149.00 - 2025 SCOWWA Additional Supplier Representative

OWWA Event Terms & Conditions

Ontario Water Works Association (OWWA) is committed to providing a safe, productive, and welcoming environment for all event participants. All participants, including, but not limited to, attendees, speakers, volunteers, exhibitors, OWWA staff members, service providers and all others are expected to abide by the following policies and OWWA code of conduct.

Personal Information
As part of your event registration personal contact data such as name, address, and email were collected and may be used by OWWA and approved third parties. 

Photography & Information Release
By registering for this event, participants agree to allow OWWA to use their likeness in any OWWA-related production or publication, including, but not limited to, emails, social media posts, printed materials, videos, and websites. 

Social Media, Camera, and Cell Phones
OWWA encourages the use of social media during our events. Filming or live streaming of any presentation, session or exhibit hall booth is prohibited without the permission of the presenter or exhibitor. Violation may result in confiscation of the media and removal from the event. 

Professional Program Disclaimer
While OWWA have taken care to ensure the qualifications of speakers, presenters, and moderators at technical events, the opinions, comments, and other views made by a participant in their presentation(s) are not necessarily those of OWWA nor its officers, directors, planning committee, or staff. 

Discrimination or Harassment
OWWA has zero-tolerance for any form of discrimination or harassment, including, but not limited to, sexual harassment by participants or staff at our events. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, including jokes and innuendo. Any person who believes a violation of the Codes of Conduct or any other misconduct has occurred should report to the OWWA Executive Director, or member of  the OWWA Board of Directors.  

OWWA COVID-19 Requirements and Release

Enhanced Safety and Health Measures:

Attendance at or participation in OWWA events is subject to the release below, and compliance with OWWA and the event facilities’ policies and procedures to implement current Health Canada and applicable Provincial recommendations, including, retreating immediately if feeling unwell or showing certain symptoms.

By proceeding with your registration, you acknowledge that attendance at and participation in OWWA events brings some risk of being exposed to or contracting COVID-19, and that you fully assume and accept such risk in order to attend.

In light of the ongoing spread of COVID-19, individuals who currently or within ten (10) days prior to OWWA events who have experienced COVID 19 or any of its variants, any symptoms associated with COVID-19, which include fever, cough, and shortness of breath should not attend.

Agreement to OWWA Event Policies:
By proceeding with your registration, you indicate you have read and agree with the terms in the OWWA registration terms, conditions and policies.

*Cancellation Policy:

Cancellation requests must be made in writing and sent to the OWWA office via email. Telephone cancellations will not be accepted. All cancellations emailed dated up to and including one week before the seminar will be refunded, minus a $20 processing fee. Refunds will not be issued for cancellations received after this date. Please contact waterinfo@owwa.ca.

As an event registrant and/or participant you have read and agree with the terms in the OWWA Requirements and Release, in addition to all other registration terms, conditions and policies.