About Us

About Us

The Ontario Water Works Association – A Section of AWWA, is a leader in the delivery of safe drinking water. OWWA, with the support of its parent organization, the American Water Works Association (AWWA), is at the forefront of research, technology and policy development with respect to safe, sufficient, and sustainable drinking water.

OWWA is a voluntary, not-for-profit association of more than 1,500 water industry professionals. The Association reflects the wide range of duties, responsibilities and interests of our members. OWWA has long been recognized as the authoritative ‘voice’ of the water industry. We are governed by a president, elected annually, and a board of directors with a prescribed list of responsibilities.

Our members are involved in all facets of the delivery of safe drinking water – from source to tap, and each year a few of our members are recognized for their outstanding service to OWWA and the drinking water industry.

We invite you to browse our website to gain further insight into OWWA and the delivery of our most precious resource – safe drinking water.

What We Do

We provide leadership in water management through education; innovation; continual improvements in customer relations, science, and technology; and participating in the development of government policy.

To do this, we have volunteer committees dedicated to providing education, information, advocacy, and leadership in water stewardship to its members, the general public, and all levels of government.

OWWA believes in achieving consumer confidence in drinking water through ongoing public involvement in planning, policy development, regulatory, and quality issues regarding safe drinking water.

Is your company a Utility or Service Provider Member? You can sign up to receive OWWA benefits right to your email! Click here

Section Code of Conduct 

OWWA is committed to diversity, inclusiveness, equity, and providing a safe environment without discrimination where everyone is free to express their ideas and participate fully in any OWWA activity. The objective of the Code of Conduct is to guide members’ interactions to be consistent with our shared values and in line with the Ontario Human Rights Code and the Canadian Human Rights Act 2. OWWA’s commitment to diversity extends to the diverse roles each of us play as stewards of our water systems. We extend our commitment to diversity to ensure that we reflect the different regions in the province, the sizes and types of communities we represent and the specialized skill set, education and certifications, and areas of expertise reflected by each of us in the water industry. 

View the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan